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and am working it to the surface just as fast as ever I can. I'd like to get to where people would know that I am—a Christian Scientist without ever asking a question,—just because I am living Christian Science!"

"Well, you certainly are honest," I said, "and I can see what you mean. A fellow wouldn't feel exactly like announcing himself an athlete, and naming his trainer, when he had taken only two days' training and had done a few laps in slow time with some tumbles;—but still he'd want folks to know that he had the makings of one, and was working along the lines of the best trainer to be had."

Bess nodded. "That's the idea," she said.

"Well," I said, "I don't believe you I'll have any trouble over it; for you're square with yourself, you always are, and that means that you'll be square and considerate about this; and if you're square with yourself, you will know all right what to say when folks ask you;—and you'll know when you are ready to just stand up and say:—'Yes, I am a Christian Scientist.'"

"Yes," said Bess, soberly, "I believe I will."

"And," I went on, "you've got sense enough