Page:Chicago Race Riots (Sandburg, 1919).djvu/25

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handle the situation fairly easily. But when they get a deed, that's another matter. Be sure to get us straight on that. We want to be fair and do what's right."

Charles S. Duke, a Harvard graduate, former lieutenant of company G, 8th Illinois infantry and a civil engineer in the bridge division of the city department of public works, expresses the view of his people as follows:

"All attempts at segregation bring only discord and resentful opposition. The bombing of the homes of colored citizens is futile. This will neither intimidate any considerable number of them nor stop their moving into a given district. The most certain result is bitter racial antagonism.

"White citizens must be educated out of all hysteria over actual or prospective arrival of colored neighbors. All colored citizens do not make bad neighbors, although in some cases they will not make good ones. It is of the greatest importance, however, both to white and colored people, that real estate dealers should cease to make a business of commercializing racial antagonisms."

During the series of bomb explosions from February 5 to June 13 the police made no arrests. On June 13 they took into custody James Macherol of 4945 South State street and James Turner of 8948 Parnell avenue. The charges were bomb throwing, malicious mischief and carrying explosives without authorization. Their cases have been granted two continuances in Judge Gemmlll's court. Turner is a clerk in the real estate office of Dean & Meagher, 320 East 51st street.

Habeas corpus proceedings in behalf of Turner were unsuccessful in a hearing before Judge Pam. One continuance in the Hyde Park court was granted on the plea