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Ord. No. 21 of 2001

“relevant date” (有關日期), in relation to—

(a) the compilation of the provisional register of members of the Election Committee to be compiled and published not later than 30 November 2001, means 1 November 2001;
(b) the compilation of a provisional register of members of the Election Committee to be compiled and published after the making of a vacancy declaration, means the date of the making of the vacancy declaration;

“vacancy declaration” (空缺宣布) means—

(a) a declaration under section 5 of this Ordinance; or
(b) a declaration under section 35 of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542) as to the existence of a vacancy among the Members of the Legislative Council returned by the Election Committee.

5. Supplementary nomination or subsector by-election to be held to fill vacancy in membership of Election Committee

(1) As soon as practicable after the Electoral Registration Officer has published a provisional register of members of the Election Committee, the Electoral Affairs Commission—

(a) shall ascertain the number of members representing each subsector (other than a subsector specified in items 1 and 2 of Table 4 in section 2) on the Election Committee; and
(b) if the number of members so ascertained as representing a subsector is less than the number of members allocated to the subsector in accordance with section 2(6), shall, in accordance with the EAC Regulations, arrange for a supplementary nomination (in the case of the religious subsector) or a subsector by-election (in the case of any other subsector) to be held to fill the vacancy among the members representing the subsector on the Election Committee.

(2) When making an ascertainment under subsection (1)(a), the Electoral Affairs Commission shall have regard to—

(a) the provisional register of members of the Election Committee; and
(b) the determinations of the Revising Officer on the appeals, if any, made under section 48 against the decisions of the Electoral Registration Officer in relation to the register.

Religious Subsector

6. Composition of the religious subsector

(1) The religious subsector is to be composed of the following bodies (referred to in this Part as “the designated bodies”)—

(a) Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong;
(b) Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association;
(c) Hong Kong Christian Council;
(d) The Hong Kong Taoist Association;
(e) The Confucian Academy; and
(f) The Hong Kong Buddhist Association.

(2) The Chief Executive in Council may, by order published in the Gazette, distribute the number of members allocated to the religious subsector among the designated bodies.