Page:Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap. 569).pdf/56

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Ord. No. 21 of 2001

(d) the person—
(i) is registered for the social welfare subsector in the existing subsector final register by virtue of being a person described in paragraph (2), (3) or (4) of item 8 of Table 5 in section 2; and
(ii) is not disqualified from being registered as a voter for that subsector.

(6) A person is eligible to be registered as a voter for the tourism subsector if the person—

(a) is a person described in section 20O(b) or (c) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542) and has made an application to be registered for the tourism functional constituency; or
(b) is registered for the tourism functional constituency in the existing functional constituencies final register, and is eligible to be registered as an elector for that functional constituency by virtue of being a person described in section 20O(b) or (c) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542).

(7) A person is eligible to be registered as a voter for the hotel subsector if—

(a) the person is a person described in section 20O(d) or (e) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542) and has made an application to be registered for the tourism functional constituency; or
(b) the person is registered for the tourism functional constituency in the existing functional constituencies final register, and is eligible to be registered as an elector for that functional constituency by virtue of being a person described in section 20O(d) or (e) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542).

(8) A person is eligible to be registered as a voter for the Hong Kong and Kowloon District Councils subsector if the person is a person described opposite to that subsector in column 3 of Table 4 in section 2 and has made an application to be registered for the District Council functional constituency.

(9) A person is eligible to be registered as a voter for the New Territories District Councils subsector if the person is a person described opposite to that subsector in column 3 of Table 4 in section 2 and has made an application to be registered for the District Council functional constituency.

(10) Subject to this section—

(a) a person who is registered or applies to be registered as an elector for a functional constituency with the same name as a subsector, cannot, subject to paragraph (b), be registered only as an elector for that functional constituency and not as a voter for the subsector;
(b) a person who is registered or applies to be registered as a voter for a subsector with the same name as a functional constituency, cannot be registered only as a voter for that subsector and not as an elector for the functional constituency;
(c) a person who is registered, or has made an application to be registered, as an elector for a functional constituency with the same name as a subsector may be registered only as a voter for that subsector (whether or not the person is eligible to be registered as a voter for any other subsector), except that, if the person is eligible to be registered as a voter for any other subsector specified in item 3 of Table 4, or item 1, 4, 7 or 8 (by virtue of subsection (5)(c) or (d)) of Table 5, in section 2, the person may choose to be registered as a voter in the first-mentioned subsector or in that other subsector; and
(d) a person who ceases to be eligible to be registered as an elector for a functional constituency with the same name as a subsector ceases to be eligible to be registered as a voter for that subsector, but may, subject to paragraph (a) and subsection (12), apply to be registered as a voter for any other subsector for which the person is eligible to be registered as a voter.

(11) Subject to this section—

(a) a person who—
(i) is a person described opposite to the Hong Kong and Kowloon District Councils subsector in column 3 of Table 4 in section 2; and
(ii) is registered or applies to be registered as an elector for the District Council functional constituency,
cannot, subject to paragraph (c), be registered only as an elector for District Council functional constituency and not as a voter for the Hong Kong and Kowloon District Councils subsector;