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Maintenance of child or young person when committed to any person

24. Any person to whose care a child or young person is committed under this Act shall, while the order is in force, have the like control over the child or young person as if he were the parent and shall be responsible for the maintenance of the child or young person, and the child or young person shall continue in the care of that person notwithstanding that he is claimed by his parents or any other person and if any person—

(a) knowingly assists or induces, directly or indirectly, a child or young person to escape from the person to whose care he is committed; or
(b) knowingly harbours, conceals or prevents from returning to that person, a child or young person who has so escaped or knowingly assists in so doing,

he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.

Contribution orders

25.—(1) Where an order has been made by a protector under section 16 committing a child to a place of safety or to the custody of a relative or other fit person, the protector may at the time of or subsequent to the making of such order make a further order (referred to in this section as a protector’s contribution order) requiring the parent or guardian of the child or the person having the custody of the child at the time of the making of the order to contribute such weekly or monthly sum in respect of the child’s maintenance as the protector having regard to his means thinks fit, and it shall be the duty of the parent or guardian or other person to comply with the terms of a protector’s contribution order.