Page:Childs own music book.djvu/39

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17th Century Cradle Song
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key bes \major \tempo "Andantino" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative f' { \stemUp
  <f d>8^\p^\( <d bes> <ees c> <f d>4\) d'8 |
  <c ees,>4^\( bes8 <g ees>4.\) |
  <f d>8^\( <d bes> <ees c> <f d>4\) d'8 |
  <c e,>4^\(^\< bes8^\> <c f,>4.\! |
  c8^\( d ees f ees d\) |
  <ees a,>^\( d c <bes f> a <f ees>\) |
  <bes d,>^\(^\< <d f,>4 <g, ees>4 <c g ees>8\) |
  f,^\>^\( <a ees>4 <bes d,>\!\) r8 |
  f^\p^\( c'4 f,\) r8 |
  f^\( c'4 f,\) r8 |
  c'4.^\( ~ c8^\> g a\)\! | <bes d,>4. ~ q4 r8 \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative a' { \stemDown
  s2.*4 a4. bes | s2.*3 | ees,4. d4 s8 | ees4. d4 s8 | e4._( ees) } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " Gold -- _ en slum -- bers kiss your eyes, Smiles _ a -- wake you when you rise; Sleep, pret -- ty lov'd _ ones, do _ not cry, _ And I will sing a lul -- la -- by, Lu -- la -- by, lul -- la -- by, lul -- _ la -- by. __ }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " Care _ is heav -- y, there -- fore sleep. You _ are care, and care must keep; Sleep pret -- ty lov'd _ ones, do _ not cry, _ And I will sing a lul -- la -- by, }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, {
  <bes f'>4. q | <ees g> <ees bes'> |
  bes <bes f'>4 bes'8 | <c, bes'>4. <f a> |
  <f ees'>8\( d' c <f, d'> c' bes\) |
  <f c'>\( d' ees <d f,> c a\) |
  <f bes,>4 bes8 <bes ees>4 r8 |
  <d f,>4 c8 bes( f bes,) |
  \repeat unfold 2 { \acciaccatura f8 a'4 f8 bes4 f8 }
  << { f4 bes8 a4 c8 } \\ { c,4. f } >>
  <bes bes,>8( f d bes4) r8 } } >>


\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key bes \major \tempo Andantino <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative f' { \stemUp
  <f d>4.^\mf^\(^\< <f d'>\! |
  <bes d,>^\> ~ q4\!\) f8 |
  bes^\p^\( a g\) f\( g f\) |
  <f d>4.\( d4\) r8 |
  <f d>4.^\mf^\(^\< <f d'>\! |
  <bes d,>^\> ~ q4\!\) <bes g d>8 |
  c8^\( d c\) a^\( g a\) |
  <c f, ees>4.\( <bes f d>4\) r8 |
  <c f, ees>4.^\p^\<^\( <d f, d>\! |
  <c f, ees>4. ~ q4\) r8 |
  <a f ees>4. ~ q4 r8 |
  <c f, ees>4.^\pp ~ q4 r8 |
  <bes f d>2. ~ q^\fermata \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative d' { \stemDown
  s2.*2 d4. d | s2.*3 <ees g>4 q8 <f ees>4 q8 } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " Sleep, O sleep! __ While breez -- es so soft -- ly are blow -- ing; Sleep, O sleep! __ While stream -- lets so gent -- ly are flow -- ing, Sleep, O sleep! __ Sleep, __ O __ sleep! __ }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " Sleep, O sleep! __ While birds in the for -- ests are sing -- ing; Sleep, O sleep! __ While ech -- oes with mus -- ic are ring -- ing, Sleep, O sleep! __ Sleep, __ O __ sleep! __ }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"3. " Sleep, O sleep! __ While an -- gels are watch -- ing be -- side thee; Sleep, O sleep! __ May bless -- ings for -- ev -- er be -- tide thee, Sleep, O sleep! __ Sleep, __ O __ sleep! __ }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major 
  \repeat unfold 5 { bes,4( f8 bes4 f8) }
  bes,4( f8 bes4 g8) |
  <c g>4 q8 f4 f8 |
  f( g a bes f bes) |
  a( g a bes f bes) |
  a( g a f g a) |
  c'( bes c' a g f) |
  f( e f f, g, a,) |
  bes( d f bes f d) | bes2.\fermata } >>