Page:Childs own music book.djvu/67

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\new PianoStaff << \relative c''
\new Staff << { \key f \major \tempo "Allegretto" \phrasingSlurUp
bes8\( c a c\) g4 f |
<f d'>8\( bes <c ees,> f,\) <bes d,>2 |
bes8\( a d c\) bes4 g8\( f\) |
e\( c a' g\) f4  \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. " Taf -- fy was a Welsh -- man, Taf -- fy was a thief, Taf -- fy came to my house, And stole a piece of beef. }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " Then I went to his house, Taf -- fy was from home, I re -- turn'd the fa -- vor And stole a mar -- row bone. } >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major
<e c'>8 r <f c'> r <c e bes>4 <f a> |
<bes, f>8 r <f f,> r <bes, f>2 |
<d fis c'>8 r <d fis c'> r <g bes>4 r |
<c g>8 r8 <c e bes>4 <f a>2
} >>


\new PianoStaff << \relative c'
\new Staff << { \time 6/8 \key c \minor \tempo "Allegretto" \dynamicUp \phrasingSlurUp
<ees g>8\mf g aes <ees bes'>4 \stemUp bes'8 | 
<aes d,>4\( g8 <f d>4\) r8 | 
<g ees>4\( aes8 <bes g>4 \stemNeutral c8\) | 
<aes~ bes> <aes d>4 <bes d>4 r8 | 
<c ees,>4\( d8 <aes ees'>8\) ees' ees | 
<f, bes>\( bes aes <g ees>4\) g8 | 
<f c>4\( aes8 c,4 d8\) | 
\phrasingSlurDown f8\( ees4\)~ ees r8 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { Moth -- er, may I go out to swim? Yes, my dar -- ling daugh -- ter, Hang your clothes on the hick -- o -- ry limb, But don't go near the wa -- ter.
} >>

\new Staff { \clef bass \key c \minor
<bes ees>4 r8 <bes g>4 r 8 |
<bes f>4 r8 <bes bes,>4 r8 |
<bes ees>4 r8 <bes g>4 r8 |
<d' bes f>4 r8 <bes bes,>4 r8 |
<c' aes>4 r8 <c' f>4 r8 |
<bes d>4 r8 <bes ees>4 r8 |
<f aes,>4 r8 <aes f bes,>4 r8 |
\tieDown <aes\( ees~>8 \tieNeutral <g ees>4\)~ <g ees> r8
} >>