Page:China in Revolt (1926).pdf/23

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Peking, Tientstin, etc, because of the unbearable tax burdens.

7. The movement against foreign stocks and bonds in Harbin.

8. The uprisings of the League of Red Spears against the rule of the reactionary militarists.

These facts show that on the one hand the militarists are going through a process of disintegration, that the strongholds of the imperialists are shaken and weakened, and that on the other hand, the oppressed and exploited are embarking upon the revolutionary road more consciously than heretofore. The statement, therefore, that the Chinese Revolution has the greatest chance to unite China, is not exaggerated.

Lenin once said:

"A basic revolutionary law, which has been confirmed by all revolutions and particularly by the three Russian Revolutions of the 20th century, consists in the following: it will not suffice for a revolution that the exploited and enslaved masses realize the impossibility of continuing to live in the old way, and in that they demand a change; what is necessary for the revolution is that the exploiters can no longer live and govern in the old way. Only if the "lower strata" no longer intend to live as they have been living, and the "upper strata" no longer can live in the old manner, only then can the revolution be victorious."

The correctness of this thesis was also confirmed by the Chinese Revolution. The oppressed masses of China have in fact become conscious that they cannot continue to live in this way, and likewise the contradictions and differences among the rulers are beginning to intervene in a period in which they cannot continue their rule along the old lines.

The Chinese Revolution will be victorious. It has already won a partial victory. But we should not for-