Page:China in Revolt (1926).pdf/27

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It further intensifies the conflicts between the imperialist groups, and arouses and strengthens the liberation struggle of colonial countries such as Indonesia, India, Corea, etc., which undoubtedly still further undermines the labile capitalist stabilization.

We realize that two possibilities are characteristic of the present Chinese Revolution: either the Chinese proletariat, with the support of the world proletariat, will succeed in carrying out a consequent national revolution, or else the new Chinese bourgeoisie will be in position to take into its hands the leadership of the Chinese Revolution, and by means of the imperialists' support, develop a Chinese capitalism or slowly liquidate the Chinese Revolution by means of compromises.

Since the Shanghai events, the Chinese proletariat has proven its political importance. Especially in the strikes in Shanghai, Hongkong and Canton, the latter lasting over a year, broad anti-imperialist movements were instigated, and the Canton Government was consolidated. The peasant masses in Kwantung also followed the propaganda and slogans of the Communist Party of China. Under the initiative of the Communist Party of China, the peasant movement in other provinces is growing more and more, and is developing further and further under the leadership of our Party.

These facts prove that the Chinese proletariat really has a chance to capture the hegemony of the national revolution. The Chinese bourgeoisie also, which suffers under the political and economic oppression of the imperialists, is spurred on by the general revolutionary mood and is beginning gradually to participate in the national revolutionary movement. It has already tried, and continues to try to seize the leadership of the revolution. In May of last year, the Shanghai bourgeoisie deserted the 17 demands of the Union of Workers, Merchants and Students and formulated a set of 13 demands of its own. The formation of Dal-Tsi-Taoism and the March affair this year in Canton,