Page:Chinese Fables and Folk Stories.djvu/105

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When the time came for the birds to take their bath, the cat was asleep. The hen called loudly. The cat heard her and crept quietly to the place where the birds were bathing.

But one of the birds saw the cat and said to her, "Mrs. Cat, what are you trying to do? We know what the hen said to you about us last night. I heard her advise you to kill us or drive us away. Is this not true?

"The old hen does not wish us to live here; but then the rats and mice do not like you to live here either. I warn you not to put your paws on us. If you kill us, the master's boy will kill you, and he will kill and cook the hen. Do you know how much he loves us?

"Every morning before the sun shines, he is up; and do you know where he goes? He goes to the river to catch the baby swims (little fish) for us. He goes to the mountain and catches grasshoppers for us, and from the fields he brings us seeds and rice.

"He works hard for us. Sometimes he brings other toys here just to hear our songs. He spent much money for our cage and our gem-stone water dishes.

"Every day the master asks his son, 'How are your birds, my son?'

"One day our brother would not eat food and the boy said to his father, 'What ails my bird, father? All the foods are here, but he will not eat.'