Page:Chinese Fables and Folk Stories.djvu/198

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that is not a pretty name for a baby, and so they called him Lily.

"And do you not think that Beauty's name suits him? He is the handsomest boy in the school. I think his mother called him Beauty because he was such a pretty baby. He is as pretty as a girl. I think it is right that he should be called Beauty. Moon's name is suitable for him, too. You know he is gentle and fair. Did you ever see a more gentle boy in school? I think he was always very gentle and fair, and so his mother gave him that name. All his friends like him as they do the moon."

The boy ran away and told the other pupils what his teacher had said about the three boys with the pretty names.

New Year came, and each boy had to write his name on a piece of paper and hand it to the teacher, so that he could give them their school names.[1] Eight gave

  1. In China four names are given to a boy. 1st. The "mother name," which is given the child by the mother when it is born. 2d. The "school name," given when he begins school and which he keeps throughout his school days, his degree being given to him in this name. 3d. At sixteen, when he becomes legally of age, he takes a "given name," which is a variation of his school name and is the name by which he is generally known throughout life. 4th. About the time his education is completed the young man selects a name by which he is known only to his most intimate friends.