Page:Chinese Fables and Folk Stories.djvu/48

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"When the Moon feast day of the eighth month and fifteenth day comes, then your children have a happy time for they are honored in every family. When the New Year feast day comes, your children are placed on the first table and every one says, 'Oh, how beautiful!'

"Women and girls like to kiss your children's sweet faces. Oh, Mrs. Pumelo, I should like to be as great a blessing to the world as you are."

And the Pumelo said, "My dear friend, do not say these sad words to me. I feel sure that some day you will be loved as much as I am.

"Did you know that the master spoke of your beauty to-day?"

"What did he say?" asked the Lemon Tree.

"He said, 'How beautiful the Lemon Tree is! I think I shall try to graft the branches of the Lemon Tree on to the Pumelo Tree.'

"Wait until another springtime comes and you will see how much your children will be honored. How happy we shall be together when you come to grow with me and I with you."

So the next year the master and his son brought a sharp knife and cut the Lemon Tree's branches, and fastened them to the Pumelo Tree.

The first fruit came and the children danced for joy.