Page:Chinese Speaker (E. Morgan, 1916).djvu/175

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every country are unusually numerous, and you need only translate them one morning, and publish them in the evening; you can have the French system if you want it, or if yon want the United States you can have the U. S. system. Several dozen articles of the Constitution, several dozen clauses of the regulations could be copied by a clerk. Nevertheless, after the promulgation of these constitutional laws and regulations, could you say that China was really a reproduction of America, or, truly a reproduction of France. Not only would people of other countries disbelieve you, even you would not believe this yourselves.

An examination of the greatest mischief in China at present shows it to be represented by these words , " the heart has been douded by greed and lust, whilst purity and modesty have been annihilated/' Long ago Hsun-tzu taught that truth, righteousness, purity J modesty were the four social bonds of a country : and if the four bonds were not operating the country would die.

Though China is called a Confucian country, the truth is, the creed of Confucius is not in operation. Because the true aim of the Confucian faith is to teach the people how to become men. If the Chinese really were able to act, according to the words of Confucius, the result would be that they would love the people of the world, like themselves, and it would be quite impossible to have again struggles for rights and privileges. And so acting it would be possible to establish a civilized world.


Question: How do you expound religion ?

Answer: Of ail the methods used by the Emperor iu ruling the pL'oplc, that which is hortatory is called Li, Ceremony : thai which is prohibitive is called Law : that which has to do with rewards and [nuiLshtneuts is called Statute. All these the people should obey. But it must be reineinl.>ere<l that when the dynasty is chaugod, iiuuiy of these also undergo alteration. There is however one canon handed down f rom ancient time by most learned, holy men , which the people of every class in the country should ali observe. This is termed religion.