Page:Chinese Speaker (E. Morgan, 1916).djvu/280

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15. 他 IS. 十 年以前 20. 從與 東洋. 21. ( 那時 ••• ? 定歸了 22. 惟… 恐怕 23. 更 ! 開確築 i 鐵跻 24. 勃勃 25. 當 還感謝 那 裏知道 26. 這… 動了 ' 這 不但, : 且動了 柬 51 幾多時 却 《巧 [I 裏. f 劃 定.. i 畫開 惟 Si' Can stand for man and beast ; animate and inanimate things. 27. Not during last ten years, but within 29. ten years previous to what is men- 31. tioned. 32. 從 = 自. 與=同 A on^ sentence. Don't confuse 也 ting kuei with 定規. TF"= 很. Especially iuiply'g that what follows 34. 實在 is even more pernicious than what has gone before. For the second 36. 更 possibly 也 w'ld be better, but 37. see under 更 (5) in SEPARATE WORDS. You open a thing that is solid as momataiii, hut build a railway o?i the land. Hence K'ai and Chu can't be interchanged. Hurriedly, excitedly. Adv. of time. Huan: 尙且. Conveys the idea of who could know, unawares. Note the change in constr'n. This 49. affair is the obj. of Nao nou of the Japanese, and becomes the subj. of 51. 都是 the verb Tung liao. 54. 40. 43. - 好就 已於. -. 出來了 反做者 44. 尊重 領土 This not only but also. The Far East. A little while : not long after. 却- 反, 倒 i.e. Russia. Does not imply force, but proximity. Kef erring to the same method used by Russia, and mentioned in a former sentence. In contrast with wai mien kan ch'i lai and hao hsiang. Not quite identical. Note force of phrase. The subj. : lies between the two parts of the phrase. The form emphasizes the idea of Japan alone. Chiu a verb- 照 已= 已經. 於=在 These words will lielp to understand that another sentence should follow. To respect ; observe and keep. Territory, Depeudencie?, Colonies as well as mother country, Peking and Thibet are ling t^u. (The original) agreement in the translation should read agreements. Is all that has been. Add Tunnan in the translation. III. A DISQUISITION ON PATRIOTISM. Pp., 14-23 1. 漠說 A verb at the begiii'g of a sentence, and noun at the end. 詞 Words: the words of the speech (yen shuo : cp 稿). 感 中 Note the variety of words, and their mode of use. 若 …或是 This denotes the alternatives between one illness and another^ and does not put the statement in the con- ditional mood. 3. 耍知道 Yao— should 是 從外來 An attack from the outside, not arising from the internal organs : superficial not vital. 5. 放倒 Lit, to set free in a reverse direction : to pull a tiling down, hence used of a sick man, = to die. 6. 這 個樣子 Refers to an example not inserted in the text. S. 看去 Refers to appearances : does not imply or state that anybody goes to see him. 到今 Not ouly in time, but to the gravity of the situation. An adv., of time and quality. 9. 不知 cp 不 知不覺 An impersonal state- ment 一 unknowing, unawares. 11. 鬧得 Conveying a sense of ill treatment as ■well as bungling. 12. 誰人 Whoever.