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A GUIDE TO WENLI STYLES AND CHINESE IDEALS (CHINESE AND ENGLISH TEXT) ESSAYS, EDICTS, PROCIvAMATlONS. MEMORIALS, lyETTERS, DOCUMENTS, INSCRIPTIONS, COMMERCIAL, PAPERS Primarily this work is intended for students of Wenli. The selections are tendered in the belief that they offer a help towards further progress in Chinese L,iterature. Notes on Grammar and Construction have been added to elucidate! where possible, diffi- culties and obscurities. Another object ivhich the author had in view, was to exhibit to English Readers the Great Thou o his of the Chinese people 、 both past and present From Author's Preface.

This is a most excellent compilation of choice Chinese literary documents, with translations and with valuable notes. National Review .

Mr. Morgan in his excellent translation of these ancient and modern essays has disclosed the mind of the Chinese We would invite special attention to that gem of literature, "What a Child ought to Know.'* R,AS. Journal.

One might reach far to find a more admirable collection of literary excerpts, as a basis for enjoyable study. Dr. John Wherry in The Recorder.

500 pages, 6x9 inches, bound in cloth blocked in gold on back and side PRICE $5.00


Section 1. Terms and Expressions alphabetically arranged according to the Chinese sounds, with translation. Section 2. Terms grouped under final terras, as 主義, 學, 家, ?返. Such an arrangement besides giving a bird's eye view of terms having a similar ending, will enable the student the more easily to study the method of constructing new terms, and help him to under- stand the facility with which new ideas find expression. It will further aid him to study the growth of Chinese historically, and to compare the development of this with other languages. Sec- tion 3. English words alphabetically arranged with page refer- ences.

"Mr. Morgan's excellent little dictionary. No one will purchase and use this booklet without a feeling akin to gratitude to Mr. Morgan. He has indeed supplied a ' felt want. ' " Rev. G. G. Warren.

Size 3x6 inches. 350 pp., full limp cUith blocked PRICE $1.25

Shanghai: C. L. S. Depot.