Page:Chinese account of the Opium war (IA chineseaccountof00parkrich).pdf/93

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with the mandarinate; so that the English even became patrons of the others.

The history of the volunteers or patriots of Canton is as follows. When the English were hard pressed at San-yüan Village, in the summer of 1841, they hesitated about coming to trade at Canton any more. But, after the peace, Canton was declared open by imperial decree, and the following winter the white barbarians went insolently all about the place. exasperated people rose upon them, burnt and plundered the factory,[1] and killed some foreign officers and soldiers off Macao. The ships of the chief POTTINGER were then at Canton, but dared not take any revenge. The Viceroy and Governor, however, punished the offenders in order to give satisfaction: but P‘AN SHIH-CH‘ÊNG,[2] a gentleman of Canton, engaged at his own expense a French foreign official named LEI-JÊN-SZ[3] [? Colonel DE JANCIGNY] to order some ships and guns from France, and also some torpedoes for attacking ships under the water. Four two-masted men- of-war, as strong and well-built as any foreign ship, were thus built at his expense, at a cost of

  1. 7th December 1842.—See Repository for 1842, page 687.
  2. 潘仕成The Repository for 1833, page 350, says that P‘AN KIQUA, father of the senior hong merchant, had been disgusted by seeing the tyranny practised in Manila.
  3. 雷任士