Page:Chinese spoken language.djvu/29

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The Chinese Language spoken at Fuh Chau.
110 一百〇十 Süò8 pa4 ling5 seh8 i7. 〡百一〇 Pa4 eh4.
111 一百〇十一 Süò8 pa4 ling5 seh8 eh4. 〡百一〡 Pa4 eh4 süò8.
120 一百〇二十 Süò8 pa4 ling5 ne7 seh8. 〡百二〇 Pa4 ne7.
121 一百二十一 Süò8 pa4 ne7 seh8 eh4. 〡百二〡 P4 ne7 eh4.
122 一百二十二 Süò8 pa4 ne7 seh8 ne7. 〡百二〢 Pa4 ne7 lang7.
200 二百 Lang7 pa4. 〢百〇〇
1,000 一千 Süò8 ch‘ieng. 〡千〇〇〇〇 Eh4 ch‘ieng.
10,000 一萬 Süò8 uang7. 〡萬〇〇〇〇 Süò8 uang7.
211. Ne7 pa4 eh4, or, lang7 pa4 eh4.
220. Ne7 pa4 ne7, or, lang7 pa4 ne7.
122. Pa4 ne7 lang7.
1220. Ch‘ieng ne7 lang7.
1221. Ch‘ieng ne7 ne7 seh8 eh4.
1001. Süo8 ch‘ieng ling5 süo8.
1202. Süo8 ch‘ieng lang7 pa4 ling5 lang7.
12000. Uang7 ne7. [One] myriad two [thousand].

In the use of the duplicate forms for one and two, some care is required, for while we can say eh4 seh8, or ne7 seh8, for ten and twenty, we cannot say süò8 seh8, lang7 seh8, neither is it admissible to say sü`o͘8 pa4 eh4, süò8 pa4 ne7, for one hundred and ten and one hundred and twenty.

The system of abbreviated numerals used in business transactions is easily made to represent concrete numbers, as inches, feet, and poles; or ounces, pounds &c., with their decimals, by placing the character denoting some weight, or measure, under the proper figure, in the same manner that the character for tens, hundreds, &c. is used under ordinary abbreviated characters; thus,

two hundred and twenty-one feet, four inches, six tenths;

twenty-two poles, one foot, four inches, six tenths; or,

two thousand two hundred and fourteen inches, six tenths.

The same system serves for writing decimals, as the character placed below the line determines the place of units.