Page:Chinese without a teacher - being a collection of easy and useful sentences.djvu/47

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Is it flood-tide or ebb-tide now? 現在是漲潮是落潮 Shendzishirt chahng-ch‘ow shirt low-ch‘ow?
Where's the bar? 攔江沙在那兒 Lahn-cheeang-shah dzi nar?
This ship has three masts 這個船有三枚桅杆 Chayka ch‘wahn yo sahn chirp waykahn.
Chinese junks are clumsy things 中國船笨 Choongkwo ch‘wahn pun.
Foreign ships are made of iron 外國船是鐵做的 Wi-kwo ch‘wahn shirt t‘eeay dzawty.
There are ships both of iron and wood 有鐵做的有木頭的 Yo t‘eeay dzawty yo moot‘o dzawty.
What's this? 這個是甚麼 Chayka shirt shummo?
This is the compass 這個是定南針 Chayka shirt ting-nahn-chun.
The saloon is here 客艙在這兒 K‘aw-ts‘ahng dzi cher.
Don't you find it clean? 乾淨不乾淨 Kahnching poo kahn-ching.
Are you sea-sick? 暈船不暈船 Yün-ch‘wahn poo yün-ch‘wahn?
We shall get into port to-morrow 明天進口 Mingt‘e-enn cheen k‘o.