Page:Chipperfield--Unseen Hands.djvu/42

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run down here I came upon two workmen arguing with the butler in the hall. They said that someone had telephoned to the shop yesterday to have them come and rehang a large picture. Yesterday, mind you, and the portrait only fell last night! If you can find out who telephoned from the house—"

"Did they say that the call had come from the house itself, Mr. Titheredge?" the detective interposed quietly.

"Well, no; now that I think of it they didn't say from where it was sent, but I inferred—"

"I think we'll go to the shop first." Again the detective interrupted him. "That is, if you know what shop sent them out?"

"Yes. It is Kenny's, on Eighth Avenue." The attorney gave the address to the chauffeur. "If a similar order has been given concerning the broken stair and carried out before we get there, we'll just rip it apart again."

"Mr. Titheredge." The detective had evidently been following a train of thought of his own. "You said that Mr. Lorne wanted to 'phone to Headquarters last night but you dissuaded him?"

"Yes, Even before the portrait fell he said that he felt like going to the authorities. He had nothing but his vague, superstitious fears to back up his story, which then seemed fantastic to me beyond belief. But after that attempt on Gene's life I had all I could do to compel him to wait until I could get in touch with you."

"And where did this discussion take place?"

"Right there in the library in front of the fallen picture."

"With the door open, so that anyone who chose to listen could hear all that was said?"