Page:Choice drop of honey from the rock Christ, or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners (1).pdf/18

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the unrighteous and the accurſed. Nature cannot endure to think the goſpel is only for ſinners; it will rather chuſe to deſpair than to go to Chriſt, upon ſuch terrible terms. When nature is but put to it by guilt or wrath, it will go to its old haunts of ſelf-rightouſneſs, ſelf-goodneſs, 8c. An infinite power muſt call down theſe ſtrong holds. None but the ſelf-juſticiary stands excluded out of the goſpel; Chriſt will look at the moſt abominable ſinner before him, becauſe to ſuch an one Chriſt cannot be made juſtification; he is no ſinner. To ſay in compliment, I am a ſinner, is eaſy, but to pray with the publican, indeed, “Lord, be merciful to me a ſinner,” is the hardeſt prayer in the world. It is eaſy to ſay, I believe in Chriſt: but to ſee Chriſt full of grace and truth, of whole fulneſs thou mayſt

recieve grace for grace; that is ſaying. It it is eaſy to profeſs Chriſt with the mouth; but to confeſs him with the heart, as Peter, to be the Chriſt, the Son of the living God, the alone Mediator; that is above fleſh and blood. Many call Chriſt a Saviour; few know him ſo. To ſee grace and ſalvation in Chriſt, is the greateſt ſight in the world; none can do thar, but at the ſame time
