Page:Choirmaster's Manual.djvu/28

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Exercise 16.

\relative e' { \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 12/8 e8( d c) f( e d) g( f e) a( g f) b( a g) c( b a) d c b) c4\fermata \bar ".." }
\addlyrics { a a etc. }
\addlyrics { e e etc. }
\addlyrics { i i etc. }
\addlyrics { o o etc. }
\addlyrics { oo oo etc. }

and up.

Slowly at first. See that the middle note is distinct.

Exercise 17.

\relative c' { \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\time 12/8 c8( d e) d( e f) e( f g) f( g a) |
g( a b) a( b c) b( c d) c4\fermata \bar ".." }
\addlyrics { a a etc. }
\addlyrics { e e etc. }
\addlyrics { i i etc. }
\addlyrics { o o etc. }
\addlyrics { oo oo etc. }

and up.

Exercise 18.

\relative c'' { \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 12/8 c( d e) b( c d) a( b c) g( a b) f( g a) e( f g) d( e f) c4\fermata \bar ".." }
\addlyrics { a }
\addlyrics { e }
\addlyrics { i }
\addlyrics { o }
\addlyrics { oo }

and up.

In Exercises 16, 17, and 18 care must be taken not to unduly accentuate the first note of the group of three.

Exercise 19.


\relative f' { \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f f4^! f^! f^! f^! | f^! r r2 \bar ".." }
\addlyrics { oo o a e i }

and up.

The staccato must be effected by a sharp inward movement of the abdomen, similar to an attack (see Chapter IV); but no breath must be taken between the notes.