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set him above all; ſpeak of kings to them, but Chriſt is out of play. So Cant. ii. The kirk meeting with the watchman, ſaith, "Saw ye him whom my ſoul loveth?" what kend the watchman whom her ſoul loveth? for the might have loved a lown, or a harlot, or an idol-god, or the world; but ſhe meaſured the watchman by herſelf: there was none in her mind but Chriſt; and therefore ſhe needed not tell them as he thought. So Mary Magdalene, John xx. 15. ſays to the gardener (as ſhe thought) "Sir, if ye have borne him hence, tell me where ye have laid him;" ſhe tells not of what him; taking as granted, none was ſo much in her mind as Chriſt, nay, I pray you, let the ſame mind be in you that was in John. Let Chriſt be to your ſoul the pearl of the ring. Amongſt all kings, Chriſt ſhould be made high and eſteemed as He, the only He, that is worthy to ſit on the throne. So Cant. v. He is the kirk the chief among ten thouſand. Gather all the angels, and all the ſaints in heaven and earth together, Chriſt is too good to be their captain; and, indeed, what is all that ſits upon the throne? It muſt be infinitely more in him: and what glory is in the world, is far more in him. Take all the roſes on the earth, and put them all in one, that would be a dainty ſight; and now what are all theſe to Chriſt? no more than a nettle to the faireſt roſe: fy upon the taſteleſs love of men that never love Jeſus Chriſt and yet falleth in love with luſts: they love gold, riches and honour, and put Chriſt to a backſide; ay, Chriſt gets not his own amongſt us, we commend him not, neither will we match with him.

Thirdly, "I will make all things new." This is as much as all things were old; ſin has made all things old, Rom. viii. They are like a woman groaning