Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese Vol II. - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/205

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The twenty attributes of God (sipheuët dua plōh) have supplied the names of three works which however deal also with other kindred subjects.

Sipheuët dua plōh.Sipheuët dua plōh (XCI).

This subject is dealt with in prose by a pious authoress called Teungku Lam Bhuʾ after the name of her gampōng. She was the wife of the learned Malay Abduççamad Patani, and composed this treatise for the benefit of her own disciples.

Nalam sipheuët dua plōh.Nalam sipheuët dua plōh (XCII).

This is a somewhat prolix poem on the same subject by an unknown author, composed in nalam, the Achehnese imitation of the Arabic rajaz metre.

Second Nalam sipheuët dua plōh.Nalam sipheuët dua plōh (XCIII).

The same subject has also been cast in nalam form by a third writer Teungku Baʾ Jeuleupè, so called from his gampōng in Daya. He was a disciple of Chèh Marahaban and died fully 30 years ago. His version is much briefer and more terse than the last.

Beukeumeunan (prose).Beukeumeunan (XCIV).

This is a treatise much used for elementary teaching. It is composed in prose by an unknown author and deals with the same subject as the last and also those of ritual purification and prayer (seumayang.) Its name is a genuine Achehnese expletive. Beukeumeunan means "If this be the case", and the Achehnese when at fault for any other introduction, are wont to begin their sentences (in the colloquial only) with this word or one of its synonyms[1]. The writer of this little book wishes in this as in all other respects to be a good Achehnese, so he introduces every fresh paragraph with beukeumeunan, whence the name.

With the exception of the above-mentioned treatise of the lady Teungku Lam Bhuʾ, this is the only prose work of the Achehnese with which I am acquainted.

Abdaʾu (nalam).Abdaʾu or Nalam Chèh Marduki (XCV).

This is the Achehnese version of "a catechism for laymen" (Aqidat

  1. The Malays often use "kalau běgitu" in the same way. (Translator.)