Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Revolt in Arabia (1917).djvu/14

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of these articles. I have added, as an appendix, the official proclamation of the Shereef to the whole Moslem world as it appeared translated into English in The Near East for August 25, 1916.

Since these articles were published in Holland we have heard very little as to what is happening in and around Mecca. News has come that an attempt at administrative reconstruction has been made at Jiddah; that the new Shereef has appointed a special agent at Cairo in the person of Omar Bey al-Faruki; and that the new government has decided to publish a weekly paper called Elkiblah, which is to be edited by Fuad Effendi Khatib of Gordon College, Assuan. What is of greater importance is the alleged assistance offered to the Emir Husain by the Emir Abd al-Aziz ibn Saʿud, the head of the Wahhabites in the Nejd—the district east of Medinah—and by the Zaidite Im-