Page:Christian's pocket-book, or, A bundle of familiar exhortations to the practice of piety (1).pdf/3

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A Bundle of Familiar Exhortations,


exhortation I.

Consider your foul concerns with the greatest seriousness; all other concerns are but trifles and vanities in comparison hereof: inconsiderations is the bane and ruin of souls, it is the parent of sloth and security, and the great hinderance of needful resolution: and specially consider, that you have precious and immortal souls, which after the end of this short life, will live for ever, either in everlasting happiness, or everlasting misery. It is your chief concern to see the salvation of your souls, as you would not be foun dinconsiderate fools, or stupid sots, Mat. xvi. 20. Hos. ii. 12.

Exh. 2. Lay deeply to heart your natural state of sin and misery: bethink you that besides your original guilt, and the corruption of your whole nature, which was brought to the world with you, that you are also guilty of innumerable actual sins by breaking all the commands of God, in thought, word, and deed: for all which you deserve God's heavy curse and