Page:Christian Astrology (Lilly, 1659).djvu/101

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R.] She governeth the South—winde being hot and moyst; in the temperament of the Ayre, she ruleth the Etesia; she foretelleth in Summer, Serenity or cleer weather; in Winter, rain or snow.

[ORB.] Her Orbe is 7. before and after any aspect of hers. EYEERS.] Her greatest yeers are 151. her greater 82. her mean 45. her least 8. In man she governeth Youth from 14 to 28.

[COUNTRIES.] Arabia, Austria, Campania, Vienna, Polonia the greater, Turing, Parthia, Media, Cypress, and the six climate.

[ANGEL.] Her Angel is Anael.

[DAY OF THE WEEK.] Her day of the week Friday, of which she rules the first and eigth houre; and in conception the first Month. Her Friends are all the Planets except Saturn.


Of MERCURY, and his signification, nature and property.

[NAME.] He is called Hermes, Stilbon, Cyllenius, Archas. Mercury is the least of all the Planets, never distant from the Sun above 27.degrees; by which reason he is seldom visible to our sight:

[COLOUR.] He is of a dusky silver colour; his mean motion is 59 min. and 8 seconds; but he is sometimes so swift that he moveth one degree and 40.min. in a day, never more; so that you are not to marvaile if you finde him sometimes goe 66. 68. 70. 80. 86. or 100. in a day: he is Stationary one day, and retrograde 24.dayes.

[LATITUDE.] His greatest South Latitude is 3. degr. 35.min. His greatest North Latit. is 3.deg.


[HOUSE.] He hath Gemini and Virgo for his Houses, and is exalted in the 15. of Virgo: he receives detriment in Sagittarius and Pisces, his fal is in Pisces.

[TRIPLICITY.] He ruleth the aery triplicity by night, viz. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

[TERMS.] He hath these degrees in every Sign for his Terms.