Page:Christian Astrology (Lilly, 1659).djvu/114

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two Twinnes, Pisces two Fishes.


An Introduction to Astrologie.

The right knowledge of these in Astrology is much, and you must understand it thus; In the Question or Figure of Heaven, if the Planet who is Lord of the Ascendant be in a moveable Sign, and the Sign ascending be also one, it denotes the person to be unstable, and of no resolution, easily mutable, perverted, a wavering unconstant man.

Let us admit the Ascendant to be fixed, and the Lord of that Sign also in a fixed Sign, you may judge the party to be of firm resolution, no changling; or as we say, one that will stand to maintaine what he hath said or done, be it good or ill.

If the Sign ascending be common, and the Lord of that Sign also in a Common Sign, you may judge the man or woman to be neither very wilful or easily variable but between both. The Signs also are divided into;

  • Bestail or Quadrupediall, in viz. Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn; these have representation of Four-footed Creatures.
  • Fruitful or prolifical, viz. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
  • Barren Signs, Gemini, Leo, Virgo.
  • Manly or humane, curteous Signs, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius.
  • Ferall Signs are Leo and last part of Sagittarius.
  • Mute Signs or of slow Voice, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; the more if Mercury be in any of them, in Conjunction, Square, or Opposition of Saturn.

The use hereof is, that if your Significator or Lord of the Ascendant be in Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, there’s in the condition of that party something of the nature of that Beast which represents that Sign he is in; as if he be in Aries, the man is rash, hardy and lascivious; if in Taurus, steadfast and resolved, and somewhat of a muddy condition, vitiated, with some private imperfection, &c. and so of the rest.

Let us admit, one propounds his Question, if he shall have children, then if the Moon and principall Significator be in Prolificall Signs, and strong, there’s no question but he shall the same doe, if the Question concern Barrennesse, viz, if the Ascendant or fifth house be of those Signs we call barren Signs, it generally represents few or no children.

In Questions, if Gemini, Virgo, Libra or Aquarius ascend, or the Lord of the Ascendant be in

humane Signs, then we may judge the


An Introduction to Astrologie.

man to be of civill carriage, very affable and easie to be spoken withall, &c.