Page:Christian Astrology (Lilly, 1659).djvu/79

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Of Colours, black colour, Mars rejoyceth in this house, but his Cosignificator is of the Signes Virgo, of Planets Mercury; we usually find that Mars and Venus in Conjunction in this house, are arguments of a good Physitian.

The Seventh House.

It giveth judgment of Marriage, and describes the person inquired after, whether it be Man or Woman, all manner of Love questions, our publique enemies; the Defendant in a Law—suit, in Warre the opposing party; all quarrels, Duels, Law—suits; in Astrology the Artist himself; in Physick the Physitian; Theeves and Thefts; the person stealing, whether Man or Woman, Wives, Sweetharts; their shape, description, condition, Nobly or ignobly born: in an Annuall ingresse, whether Warre or Peace may be expected: of Victory, who over-comes, and who worsted;

Fugitives or runawayes; Banished and Out—lawed—men.

It hath cosignificator Libra and Moon, Saturn or Mars unfortunate herein, shew ill in Marriage.

Of Colour, a dark Blacke colour.

It ruleth the Haunches, and the Navill to the Buttocks; and is called the Angle of the West: and is Masculine.

The Eighth House.

The Estate of Men deceased, Death, its quality and nature; the Wills, Legacies and Testaments of Men deceased; Dowry of the Wife, Portion of the Maid, whether much or little, easie to be btained or with difficulty. In Duels it represents the Adversaries Second; in Lawsuits the Defendants friends. What kinde of Death a Man shall dye., it signifies fear and anguish of Minde. Who shall enjoy or be heir to the Deceased.

It rules the Privy-Parts. Of colours, the green and Black.

Of Signes it hath Scorpio for Cosignificator, and Saturn, the Hemoroids, the Stone, Strangury, Poysons, and Bladder are ruled by