Page:Christian Greece and Living Greek.djvu/192

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170 CHRISTIAN GREECE AND LIVING GREEK. on the appearance of the Russian fleet under Orloff. In the treaty which ended this Turko- Russian war the Greeks were entirely forgotten ; they were left to the mercy of their old tyrants. The vengeance which the Turks took was ter- rible. This first attempt to bring about a general ris- ing of a whole nation, although it failed, was far from extinguishing all hope. The struggle was not given up, and the Klephtai in the moun- tains kept it continually alive. The Greeks began to face the Turks at sea. Lampros Katzones fitted out about the year 1788, with the help of patriotic subscriptions, a little fleet, and the Greek banner with the cross of Christ was floating over the Greek seas until the Turks destroyed this small navy in 1792. Now the American and the French revolutions had their effect on Greece; they hastened the national awakening. Two apostles of the gospel of liberty, Rhigas and Korai's, preached the principles of the French Revolution. The Hetairia was a secret patriotic brother- hood, a national league, organized by Constan- tine Rhigas, who took the opportunity to form this union when the attention of his compatriots had been directed from the events of the French