Page:Christian Healing.djvu/17

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Such Christianity requires neither hygiene nor drugs wherewith to heal both mind and body; or, lacking these, to show its helplessness. The primitive privilege of Christianity was to make men better, to cast out error, and heal the sick. It was a proof, more than a profession thereof; a demonstration, more than a doctrine. It was the foundation of right thinking and right acting, and must be reestablished on its former basis. The stone which the builders rejected must again become the head of the corner. In proportion as the personal and material element stole into religion, it lost Christianity and the power to heal; and the qualities of God as a person, instead of the divine Principle that begets the quality, engrossed the attention of the ages. In the original text the term God was derived from the word good. Christ is the idea of Truth; Jesus is the name of a man born in a remote province of Judea, — Josephus alludes to several individuals by the name of Jesus. Therefore Christ Jesus was an honorary title; it signified a “good man,” which epithet the great goodness and wonderful works of our Master more than merited. Because God is the Principle of Christian healing, we must understand in part this divine Principle, or we cannot demonstrate it in part.

The Scriptures declare that “God is Love, Truth, and Life,” — a trinity in unity; not three persons in one, but three statements of one Principle. We cannot tell what is the person of Truth, the body of the infinite, but we know that the Principle is not the person, that the finite cannot