Page:Christian Healing.djvu/21

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signifies “that which is good for nothing, lust,” etc. The signs referred to are the manifestations of the power of Truth to cast out error; and, correcting error in thought, it produces the harmonious effect on the body. “Them that believe” signifies those who understand God's supremacy, — the power of Mind over matter. “The new tongue” is the spiritual meaning as opposed to the material. It is the language of Soul instead of the senses; it translates matter into its original language, which is Mind, and gives the spiritual instead of the material signification. It begins with motive, instead of act, where Jesus formed his estimate; and there correcting the motive, it corrects the act that results from the motive. The Science of Christianity makes pure the fountain, in order to purify the stream. It begins in mind to heal the body, the same as it begins in motive to correct the act, and through which to judge of it. The Master of metaphysics, reading the mind of the poor woman who dropped her mite into the treasury, said, “She hath cast in more than they all.” Again, he charged home a crime to mind, regardless of any outward act, and sentenced it as our judges would not have done to-day. Jesus knew that adultery is a crime, and mind is the criminal. I wish the age was up to his understanding of these two facts, so important to progress and Christianity.

“They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.” This is an unqualified statement of the duty and ability of Christians to heal the sick and it contains no argument for a creed or doc-