Page:Christian Healing.djvu/30

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Prayer, understood in its spiritual sense, and given its spiritual version, can never be repeated too often for the benefit of all who, having ears, hear and understand. Metaphysical Science teaches us there is no other Life, substance, and intelligence but God. How much are you demonstrating of this statement? which to you hath the most actual substance, — wealth and fame, or Truth and Love? See to it, O Christian Scientists, ye who have named the name of Christ with a higher meaning, that you abide by your statements, and abound in Love and Truth, for unless you do this you are not demonstrating the Science of metaphysical healing. The immeasurable Life and Love will occupy your affections, come nearer your hearts and into your homes when you touch but the hem of Truth's garment.

A word about the five personal senses, and we will leave our abstract subjects for this time. The only evidence we have of sin, sickness, or death is furnished by these senses; but how can we rely on their testimony when the senses afford no evidence of Truth? They can neither see, hear, feel, taste, nor smell God; and shall we call that reliable evidence through which we can gain no understanding of Truth, Life, and Love? Again, shall we say that God hath created those senses through which it is impossible to approach Him? Friends, it is of the utmost importance that we look into these subjects, and gain our evidences of Life from the correct source. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father,