Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/128

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overseas office was able to advance money to men in France, which was refunded by the parents in this country or by the boys themselves upon their return. In such a case as this latter, our Worker at Camp Lewis recently sent us a check amounting to $192.30 loaned by our Paris office to a lieutenant then in France. Our Worker writes:

“Lieutenant B. expressed a great deal of gratitude for the favor shown him and said he was going home to tell all he came in contact with, of the many blessings that had come to him, during his service, through Christian Science.”

It is impossible to describe or even to call to memory the many kinds of service rendered to the men in uniform. Some of the demands made upon the committee were ludicrous, some were tragic; some were joyous, some were sad; some were easy of fulfilment, some were difficult, but a sincere effort was always made to meet the need, for the Christian Science Workers were constantly striving, in the words of Isaiah, “to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free.”