Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/145

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“Within two hours after I had placed our sign in the window four new men came in. They had arrived from El Paso that morning in a sandstorm. One of them picked up a Monitor and read the entire time he was here, another wrote letters, a third chatted with me, and the fourth just rocked. He said it was the first chair he had sat in since he entered the army and I have never seen anyone enjoy a chair so much.”

Very often appreciation for our rooms has been expressed by persons who were not Christian Scientists. A colonel at a port of embarkation writes as follows:

“I desire to express to you my personal appreciation of the Christian Science War Relief rooms at this port.

“While I am not a Christian Scientist yet I am interested in the work and I have always found there a cordial welcome and an atmosphere of refinement and culture, and when I sought information on the teachings of Christian Science, it was given so tactfully and with such convincing logic that it has caused me to look upon Christian Science in a most favorable light.

“Your rooms here serve a purpose that cannot be fulfilled by any other Welfare organization and I congratulate you on the good permanent work that is being done.”

A captain at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, says:

“It has been made plain to me that the scope of your work here is not confined to the members of your faith, but instead, is extended cordially to all. The restful aspect of the reading room especially appeals to me and the undersigned is in possession of information to the effect that this place has proved a great blessing to many who visit it.”

In connection with the buildings and rooms maintained by this Committee, a word must also be said