Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/147

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(Christian Science Quarterly)

On page 91 of “Retrospection and Introspection,” Mrs. Eddy says:

“When he was with them, a fishing-boat became a sanctuary, and the solitude was peopled with holy messages from the All-Father. The grove became his class-room, and nature's haunts were the Messiah's university.”

The Christian Scientist in civilian life is inexpressibly grateful for his church services but he may not fully realize the extent of the blessings they bring him until situated where he is obliged to do without them. Such was the case of the Science soldiers during the early days of the war before the Welfare work was organized. Their invariable statement was, “We never guessed what it would mean to be deprived of attending our church.” Taken by the hundreds from their families and places of business, hurried off to training camps and there put through a strict régime of military discipline, which became more and more rigid as the time for going overseas approached, it was realized that the spiritual needs of these young Christian Scientists must be cared for, since none of the religious agencies recognized by the Government provided for them. Many of the camps were in sections of the country where there were no Christian Science churches and no registered practitioners. Others were miles from cities or towns where churches were available, and the means of transportation were limited and expensive for the soldier with his usually meager pay.