Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/159

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Through the activity of a sergeant, Christian Science services were regularly held at Angers, France. One of the War Relief Workers who had the privilege of attending a Wednesday evening meeting there, describes it as follows:

“It was a memorable service, with workbenches for pews and a soap box with a square board laid across the top for a desk; but the atmosphere was indeed worthy of The Mother Church. The remembrance of the willing mind, obedience, dignity, poise, and gratitude of that service will long be treasured by those having the good fortune to be present. This is the first testimonial meeting ever attended where everyone gave a testimony. There were no pauses and no difficulty in occupying the entire hour and certainly everyone was refreshed with heavenly manna.”

In one of the most beautiful spots in France on the Riviera close to the Italian border, lies the little town of Menton, which was opened by the United States Government last December as a leave area. The Y. M. C. A. leased the beautiful and spacious Municipal Casino where a force of thirty-five secretaries entertained an average of two thousand men weekly.

Among the secretaries were four girls who were Christian Scientists and who met together whenever possible, reading the lesson and seeking spiritual guidance for their problems. Several other secretaries, seeing the way seeming difficulties were overcome by these girls, and remarking at the ability of those who were Scientists to stand up under work that to them was taxing and difficult, asked to know something of Christian Science, giving to it the credit and saying that they realized that Scientists had something which they had not. They began to join in the services and