Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/166

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I can assure you that through all the hours that might otherwise be darkened, with such a pathfinder, one cannot lose one's self.”

Our records show that about 40,000 copies of the vest-pocket textbook were distributed by the Committee, and as soon as this edition of Science and Health began to be widely circulated there was an insistent demand from the men in the field for a small Bible to match. In the summer of 1918, this book was ready for distribution. It was deemed wise to ask those wishing this Bible to pay something towards its cost, and it was therefore provided to those in service for $1.50, the War Relief Fund adding the remainder of the cost. In order, however, that no man should be forced to do without a Bible, the War Relief Committee provided a somewhat larger black cloth edition without charge.

The vest-pocket “kit,” as the boys called it, was most heartily appreciated. A Canadian soldier writes: “The Bible I certainly treasure, and coupled with our dear Leader's word it is a wonderful possession.” Nearly 16,000 copies of the vest-pocket Bible were purchased by the War Relief Committee for distribution.

Besides the Christian Science textbook and the Bible, all of the authorized literature of The Mother Church was distributed to those in the service without charge. Of the periodicals, that which had the widest circulation was, of course, our daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor. It was very extensively distributed throughout the camps of the United States and Europe and soon came to be highly appreciated by those who were not Christian Scientists. This was because the Monitor was recognized