Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/188

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reading Science and Health. Good, that is the only religion he knows anything of.”

Allotments to the home folks were straightened out. In one case arrears amounting to $500 were located. A lost Liberty Bond was restored. A boy who had lost all trace of his family, not even knowing his mother's present name, was put in touch with them, and a home is waiting for him when he cares to go to it. Our literature has, of course, been widely distributed and much appreciated.

Possibly the best evidence of the gratitude felt for our work is the following, cut from the Mutual Welfare News, the prison paper:

“The Mutual Welfare League takes this opportunity to express its thanks to the Christian Science War Relief Committee in general and its representative at this place in particular, for the great kindness and Christian charity that was demonstrated in giving to thirty of our discharged men overcoats to keep them comfortable. In addition to the above Mr. F. has neglected no chance to be of comfort or service to such of us as have been bereaved by loss of parents or friends, whenever the fact has come to his attention. He has exerted himself to the utmost to learn our prison routine that he might advise newcomers and prove the most good that was possible to all hands. Not content with donning grays, he has even spent a period in Third Class, that he might know exactly the conditions that exist there and elsewhere through the prison. For all this we thank him and we want him to know that his efforts are deserving of far greater thanks than our poor language can convey.”