Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/204

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The normal population of Tours was swelled to about 140,000 during the war, by American soldiers and refugees. Tours was established as the headquarters of the Service of Supply for the American army early in 1917. This branch of the army, being as necessary to the pursuance of war as the army of combat, caused Tours to become practically the most important city of France from the viewpoint of the American army.

The famous American salvage plant was established here, employing thousands of refugees and saving millions of dollars a week to the Americans. Railway lines running directly to the headquarters of the army of combat were established, the large central prison camp for German prisoners was located here, and an elaborate system of telephones was installed, superior to anything previously existing in France. Many barracks belonging to the French were leased by the Americans and entire hotels were taken over by our Government for the use of officers and American women serving in clerical capacities for the army.

At this important point a Christian Science War Relief Depot was established in June, 1918, with two Workers, a man and his wife. After much searching exactly the right house was found for our purposes, described as follows in the words of the Worker:

“In front of the house is a flower garden about 25 feet square, filled with all kinds of flowers that have given a succession of blooms the entire season. An iron fence encloses this garden, and over this are beautiful trailing vines. The house consists, on the ground floor, of a large hall running from front to back, a salon and dining room connected with double doors. From the dining room double doors open into