Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/233

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treatment. Some of the nurses and other workers who were interested in Science encouraged the men to turn to it when all other help seemed to have failed, and again and again in such instances treatment was given and the patient healed. Men were relieved quickly of shell shock and healed almost instantly of influenza, mumps, headaches, sore throat, and infection. Treatment was begun for one man who had had both legs shattered and had been lying for more than six months with the bedclothes held away from him, as the slightest weight caused suffering. In a little over three weeks he was able to be partially dressed and go home to the United States. Another case of lost memory, resulting from a year's constant service at the front, was healed within a few days, and a lieutenant, with a severe attack of influenza and a very high temperature, was healed of the fever and of the other symptoms of the disease before he reached the hospital to which he had been ordered. Another lieutenant was healed of a condition of insanity in a few hours and was sent home a short time after.

Many men were healed while reading Science and Health. One officer who had been told that he was in a very serious condition with heart trouble and that it would be months, perhaps years, before he would be able to go upstairs comfortably, heard of Christian Science through a French boy who had been reading the literature, and sent to the reading room for “the little book.” He was healed after reading for ten days, and called at the Rooms to ask questions and to leave a generous donation to the War Relief Committee.

It would be possible to multiply these cases many times but enough has been said to indicate that the