Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/286

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round the town, amongst whom some splendid distribution had been done. The Christian Scientists were in this way already in touch with numbers of Canadian and British soldiers who, it was believed, would quickly find and value a War Relief Room. In and around the town itself there were a large number of hospitals full of Canadian and American wounded men, and the streets were thronged with convalescents in blue hospital uniforms.

Very attractive Rooms were opened in November, and on the first day several wounded men from the hospitals found their way in. Soldiers from the surrounding camps soon followed and the Rooms became a center especially for the Canadians and Americans. One day a Canadian soldier wounded on Paaschendale Ridge came in, saying that he was a Christian Scientist from New York City. His joy at finding the War Relief Rooms was touching. The following account is given by the Worker:

“In the heart of Brighton, a town well known for its temptations these Rooms are quietly and unostentatiously sending out their loving invitation to those who will hear. Limbless men from the Pavilion Hospital are coming more and more, also many Red Cross men. The news seems to be spreading like wildfire amongst the hospitals just lately and we feel very delighted that this is so. A Los Angeles man, at present in one of the hospitals, comes regularly to fetch the latest Monitor. He is so grateful and declares that the Monitor is the best paper in the world, and that he always finds news of home. It is a great joy to realize what these War Relief Rooms have done in extending help to many who are lonely and in need of kindness.”

The Workers were in close touch with the hospitals from the beginning, and were called on