Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/300

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and told the Worker that during the war, Monitors were sent regularly to his ship. He used to look through them casually, but one day was attracted by the Home Forum page and read an article called “Heaven.” This so took hold of him that he borrowed Science and Health from the ship's library and commenced to study. He said that there were about twenty Scientists on his ship, consisting of all ranks from the commander to the pantry boy. This man had learned of the War Relief Room from one of the notices in the mess. He longed to possess a copy of Science and Health and study the lesson-sermons, for he had been unable to read regularly since leaving his ship. A vest-pocket edition was accordingly given him, together with the Bible and Quarterly, and he left the Room delighted at the prospect of being able to read and study once more.


The necessity of starting a War Relief Room in Reading, Berkshire, lay in the fact that several thousands of soldiers were billeted or stationed in that town and that a large number of hospitals for wounded men were in active operation. While there were one or two Y. M. C. A.'s and Church Army Rooms, there was a great desire amongst the men for a quiet place in which to read and write. From the moment the decision was made to establish such a room, all the arrangements developed most harmoniously and rapidly. On the day of opening, the Room was used at once in the luncheon hour by men from an adjoining military office. One young soldier who