Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/332

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more contented to take the little knocks and bumps that a fellow has to put up with in the course of training, and which are just the things that make a man discouraged unless someone shows some interest in his welfare and comfort.

“In a short time, no one knows how soon, I expect to be in France. The quicker the better, for I am very anxious; and as I go, and while I am there, I shall make use of the wonderful things which you good people have sent me. I can assure you that as I go ‘over the top’ my heart will be full of pride, and thankful to God, that I am of, and fighting for, a nation made up of such great and wonderfully good people.

“I believe that for you good people to realize to the full extent the greatness of the work you are doing, and the good that will come of it, both during and after this war, is im- possible; but we soldiers do, and you can rest assured that we wont forget you.

“All the lads in my company having seen my package want me to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Good luck’ to you all.

“With the most sincere thanks.”

There were two phases of the Comforts Forwarding work, quite distinct although indissolubly connected: the making and assembling of the garments, and their distribution. Several methods for giving out the garments were used. Quite a proportion of the knitted wear went directly from the various Committees to the individual soldiers and sailors applying for it. This personal contact was a happy part of the activity to the Committees and the recipients. The men already interested in Christian Science enjoyed their visits to the various Committee rooms; for the love expressed there helped them to feel that the whole body of Scientists stood closely behind them. A surprise, a wholly new experience, awaited, however, those who had never before come in immediate contact with Christian Science. Men had only to go to a Com-