Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/344

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just to hear the name Christian Science brings words of gratitude from every man and opens all doors to us.”

The following letter from a hospital worker might have been addressed to the field in general:

“The Comforts Forwarding Committee has already supplied us with over two hundred of its sweater vests, and is giving us more each week. These vests have been received with eagerness and appreciation by the men, who have said repeatedly: ‘This is the best gift we could have. Whoever saw anything so fine.’ A frequent exclamation is, ‘Do tell the ladies who make them that we sure are grateful.’

“The labels on the garments, telling in what city they were made, have served to bring much brightness. Shouts such as: ‘A lady in Houston, Texas, made mine for me'; ‘A lady in Los Angeles made mine’; ‘Mine came from a lady in Chicago,’ and so on, filled the rooms one day as we were distributing these garments.

“More than two hundred and twenty-five men, twenty-seven medical officers, including a colonel and a major, seven women nurses and five reconstruction workers are now wearing these garments.

“Since serving as a War Relief Worker, I have appreciated more deeply than before, the loving ministry that is being accomplished by the Forwarding Committee. Its work has not been confined merely to caring for human needs, for large numbers of men who have received the ‘comforts’ have earnestly inquired about the spiritual teaching of Christian Science, often saying, ‘I want to know more about God.’ To such our literature has been given, and later these boys have asked for the textbook and for treatment. With deep thankfulness I have observed that the sweater vests, blanket wrappers, and afghans which have been given to me to dis- tribute have brought much more than human warmth to our noble lads, for they have had part in leading the thoughts of these boys upward to the love of God, there to feel the healing touch of Truth.”