Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/35

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After the entrance of Italy into the world struggle a committee was organized in that country through the initiative of Christian Scientists in Florence, the administration of the fund being like that of the other committees in Europe. A committee was also organized in Holland. Many touching incidents marked the delegate's trip. By means of a special fund he was able to bring much-needed assistance to individuals who were in immediate need. Frequently the fear of those in want was so quickly overcome that they wrote stating that there was no further need for help. The tragedies of the war were mitigated for many, unavoidable separations were bridged over and the healing work stimulated.

December 5, 1914, the fund was opened to non-Scientists in the following announcement which was made to the field.


“In the Sentinel of October 24, a call was issued for contributions to a fund for the relief of Christian Scientists who were in distress as a consequence of the present war. In response to this call the generous sum of $80,413.90 has been received, and this fund will be distributed to Christian Scientists by committees now being organized by William D. McCrackan, who is in Europe for that purpose. It is believed that the amount of money now in hand will be sufficient for the needs of Christian Scientists, and for the present at least this fund will be closed.

“There is, however, great need of funds for the relief of hundreds of thousands of others besides our own people who are in poverty and distress by reason of the war, and a collection for their benefit will be taken in The Mother Church