Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/407

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“Three days after the splints were removed I was doing typing for the officer in charge. In fact, three days after the arm was broken I was using the typewriter although under difficulty because of the splints.

“After the first week no treatments were given because we were confident that the healing was accomplished. For this demonstration, as well as for a great many others, I owe a debt of gratitude to Christian Science.

George H. Anderson,

“Sgt., Quartermasters' Corps.” 

“I am indeed most grateful for all the good that has come to me through the study of Christian Science. At this time I am particularly grateful for the great work that has been done for us who have been in service.

“I was stationed at Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, and during my stay there, the love and loyalty of the Christian Science Welfare Workers brought to me an understanding of joy and peace that I had never before thought it possible to possess.

“One day there seemed to be with me a sense of being without my usual strength, which became more and more marked as the day passed, until in the evening I was indeed in great distress. Not realizing the need for immediate work, I did not ask for help until I had retired, and after ‘lights out’ I realized that I was very quickly losing all control of my body. I was unable to raise either my arms or legs. It happened that the boy who was next to me was a Scientist, so I asked him to dress and telephone to the Welfare Worker in Jacksonville for help. He did so but before his return I had also lost my voice and was unable to thank him. I remember his return but in the darkness he was not able to see that I was still awake, and as I could neither move nor talk, he supposed me to be sleeping and went to bed once more. I was, however, very much awake but paralyzed by fear. I