Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/411

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trying emergency have meant much more than can be expressed. The medical officers are extremely grateful to you, and are very appreciative of all that you have done."

The second is from a medical officer at the hospital in Camp Beauregard, Louisiana:

“I take the means of this letter to express to you as best I can, my appreciation of your help and assistance during this trying situation in camp.

“When you offered your services in the beginning of this critical situation, we needed help upon whom we could depend. We were a little surprised at your offer, not at all on account of the man from whom it came, but we did not know how your people's views were along the lines of such humanitarian work as you have done here.

“I felt that everything was as it should be in my absence with you as Ward Master. One thing I want to say to you, a thing that I appreciate, while your position as Ward Master would have safeguarded you against any orderly duties of the hospital,—the thing necessary to be done, was the thing you did.

“Again thanking you for your faithful and fearless work during this serious time, I am,

“Your friend.”

At a camp in Colorado our Worker, upon volunteering the services of himself and his car, was told that everything was well organized in the hospital except in the diet kitchen, where he might be useful. Upon visiting the kitchen he was told that the patients craved ice cream and as the result of an appeal to the women of the near-by Christian Science churches our Worker was able to deliver a daily supply of ice cream and fruit to the hospital during the period of need. Sincere expressions of gratitude came to him from the members of the Medical Staff for this service.