Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/424

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“There is still much to be accomplished but the overcoming of fear, weakness and distress has been very convincing and inspiring. I am glad to tell what Christian Science has done for me and of the help I have received through the Christian Science War Relief Committee, both to express my gratitude and in order to benefit others.

Robert James Weston,

“San Antonio, Texas.” 

The letters which follow are of unusual interest, showing as they do, the experiences of three men, in different branches of the service, who are convinced that their understanding of Christian Science preserved them from danger and brought them through situations of grave peril to safety and health.

“Christian Science came into my life a short time before I joined the United States naval service, but the actual study of this Science did not commence until about the time I was called into active duty, two years ago. Instead of the hardship and unpleasantness which seemed to be my portion in the early days of the war, gradually a change took place in conditions, until, at the time of discharge, I could look back and say, ‘I am most grateful for my period of service during the war,’ for it gave me an understanding of Christian Science, a demonstrable knowledge of it, a changed outlook on life, a new hope. Gratitude fills my heart each time this period comes to thought.

“During the early days of the war I was put on one of the German vessels, taken over by our government to be converted and used for carrying troops over to the other side. At that time the work seemed very hard and laborious, especially as previous to that period I had had no experience of that sort. We would work all day and sometimes late into the night carrying heavy crates, barrels and boxes containing supplies for the ship. At that time too, it seemed as