Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/439

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for the help I have received through the medium of the Christian Science Welfare Committee in the form of literature, Sunday services, etc.

“Although I am not a member of the Christian Science Church, I have been the recipient of all these favors, for which I am very grateful.

“The Christian Science Welfare work has been an agency for good in this Camp to many others besides myself, and is conducted altogether along non-sectarian lines.

“I hope that this work can be continued in the army camps in this country and abroad, because of the good it is bringing to our soldiers.

“Sincerely yours,

David S. Patterson,
 “2d Lieut., 16th Cavalry, U. S. A.” 

“I have not been in this camp a very long time but while I have been here I have been struck with the quiet restfulness of your welfare building and the cheerful atmosphere of helpfulness that pervades it. I have also observed your readiness to assist any soldier in any way, both in your building and throughout the camp. I have heard it said that when there was an important service to be rendered or quick transportation needed about camp the Christian Science car was always at everyone's service. And I would like to thank you on behalf of my men and myself for what you are doing for the morale of the army, or in other words—‘for the good of the service.’

William R. Randall,
 “1st Lieut., Inf., U. S. A.” 

“1. Concerning the value of the activities of the Worker at this Camp, I desire to say that in the distribution of The Christian Science Monitor he is doing a work of great merit and value to all officers and men, from a non-sectarian standpoint.