Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/60

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welcome twenty-five pairs of socks, mountain hoods, and knee protectors. The good that you kind ladies do is inestimable.

“When our soldiers feel that they are thought of by those at home, sacrifice becomes nothing to them and danger is faced with strong and calm hearts.”

In another instance the Committee purchased a sewing machine for some women refugees, who wrote:

“We refugees of Sandona di Piave, Venezia, having been forced to give up our dear land to the barbarous enemy, and finding ourselves in need, feel it is our duty to extend to this honorable Committee our hearty thanks, having received money to buy a sewing machine with which to earn our living.

“Thanking once more this honorable Committee for the good and comfortable position in which they have put us, we remain, yours ever gratefully.”

Again it was an Italian officer who said:

“In my name and in the name of my soldiers, I send to you Madam, and to the Christian Science Society, our heartiest thanks for what you have so generously sent to my soldiers.

“I say generously because the woolen underwear which was in abundance was so gratefully accepted. The games, too, were a kind thought, so that the soldiers, when the enemy permit, may be distracted and pass the long hours in the trenches less monotonously. . . .

“With great faith in victory — hurrah for the Allies, hurrah for America.”

Surely the fund did a good work when it helped this little Italian schoolboy, who wrote:

“I can't help sending you a few words to thank you for the good you have done for me and my dear mother. I thank you for the shoes, for the house rent, and for paying for my schooling. I promise you to study in order to be a comfort to my poor parents. Forgive my bad writing and with respects, yours very truly.”